Coral y espuma: Abecedario del mar

Coral y espuma: Abecedario del mar
Coral y espuma: Abecedario del mar


For each letter of the alphabet one poem about the ocean magnificently illustrated by Viví Escrivá. The poems vary in length and intention. Some are descriptive, some share feelings, others are whimsical and full of humor. Every one is musical and their rhythm inspired Suni Paz to turn them into songs.


Every one of the poems has been turned into a song by renown composer and singer Suni Paz. Drawing on her intimate knowledge of folkloric musical traditions of Latin America and Spain, Suni has created original compositions for each of the 29 songs. This makes this CD a most generous gift.


The ocean has always been very important for me: a source of enjoyment and spiritual nourishment. Surprisingly there are not many books of poetry about the ocean available for Spanish speaking children, or children learning Spanish. It has been a joy to create these for them.

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